Woman Shouting with Bullhorn

The Best of Resourceful Mommy: Why Yo...

As vocal and opinionated people, bloggers by nature are more likely to tell you enthusiastically about the things they love the most…as well as the things they hate the most.  While everyone’s writing style is different, I am asked frequently about where I personally draw a line in the sand when it comes to what…


For the Love of Words…

This weekend while chatting with another blogger at the BlogHer conference in New York I took a trip down memory lane talking about the magazine Sassy.  Editor-in-chief Jane Pratt steered her team of talented writers, photographers, and artists to create irreverent and original content each month primarily for teen girls.  Sassy reached me at a…

Two Year Bloggiversary

On July 22nd, Resourceful Mommy will celebrate its second bloggiversary!  It’s hard to believe that two years ago I wrote my very first blog post.  I am just now feeling as though the honeymoon is over.  No longer a newbie, certainly not a member of the Old Guard, I believe I’m moving into sophomore status…


The Rise of the Shady Blogger

In the Beginning… Once upon a time, bloggers blogged because they had something to say.  The drooling three month old in their arms appeared to listen intently, but never had much to say in reply.  The partner that returned at the end of the day wanted to listen, and maybe really did listen, but exhaustion,…

Woman Offering Colorful Present

Tips for Hosting a Blog Giveaway

One thing that I hear over and over again in the debate about blogging – especially when it comes to whether bloggers should be paid – is that giveaways take countless hours more time than it took to create the universe too much time. Some bloggers insist that everyone hosting a giveaway should receive a…


Welcome to the New Resourceful Mommy!

Last week I officially made the switch from Blogger to self-hosted WordPress.  For those of you who don’t blog, that means that not only did the graphics of this site change, but so did the functionality.  I hope to bring your more great giveaways and provide you with more helpful posts from parenting ideas to…

Big Changes Coming!

After nearly two years of blogging and much hounding from my blogging friends, I am going to be moving from Blogger to a self-hosted WordPress blog. While all of the content you can currently find on Resourceful Mommy will be following me to my new blog, the look you’ve come to know will be left…

Why Brands Should Invest in Blog Conf...

On Sunday I attended a blogger event hosted by the SV Moms Group for the DC Metro Mom writers and sponsored by a variety of generous, and dare I say delicious, businesses and brands. During an open discussion the question arose… Why should my brand invest in blog conferences? There are many ways to answer…

What is Your Passion?

Last Saturday I spent the evening with a couple dozen Maryland area bloggers at a MomzShare event, a quarterly blogger gathering organized by Jennifer Gerlock and Lara Dipaola. I wasn’t sure what the topic of the evening would be, but knew that there would be food, fun, and friends, both old and new. The intrinsic…

Bloggers – Stop Worrying About ...

This morning as I was driving my son to soccer, I noticed a spider scurry across the inside of my windshield and hide in the interior of the windshield frame. Realizing that the spider might decide to lower himself on to me at any point on the rest of the drive, I panicked. What would…

Lifetime Moms – Big News!

I’m happy to announce that I am the new Parenting Channel Co-Leader on the Lifetime Moms site. I will be writing weekly along with my co-leader Nichole Smith of The Guilty Parent. Please visit me often! Check out my first articles regarding the girl bowl fiasco, appetite slumps in toddlers, and the joy of simple…


“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery” – old proverb “It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.” – Herman Melville A very wise and successful business woman once told me, “There are no new ideas. Women in business need to stop holding so tightly to their ideas thinking they’re completely…

The Write Stuff

When I began blogging nearly two years ago (where does the time go!?), I never knew that someday I would be combining blogging with business. My Twitter marketing business began organically, stemming naturally and yet unexpectedly from work to promote my own site. The Global Influence network came directly from my personal frustration with companies…

My Favorite Blogs

If I had a dime for every time I’ve received an e-mail asking me, “Amy, what blogs do you read?” I’d….well, I’d be broke. No one ever asks me, but as I sat in bed with a sick little guy this weekend, I got caught up on my own blog reading. I do not have…

When Companies Miss the Blogger Boat

A year and a half ago I attended a small, one day blog conference. I had only been blogging three months, so this was my first time interacting with other bloggers…and witnessing the buzz of companies hovering around bloggers with business cards in hand and likewise bloggers spinning from table to table, hoping to make…

Join Me at Bloggy Bootcamp in Baltimore!

Hanging out with bloggy friends online, sharing tips on Twitter, and updating Resourceful Blogging are all great ways that I get to connect with other bloggers – especially other mom bloggers – but there is nothing better than meeting face to face to share tips of the trade as well as a day of fun….

Why You Should Not Write a Complaint ...

Last month my family went on a one week vacation to Walt Disney World. We had fabulous service at parks, restaurants, and our hotel, enjoyed countless rides and entertainment, and even found something exciting to do during two days of rain. On our final day, we waited patiently for the Magical Express to pick us…

Week at a Glance – January 24th...

I cannot believe that the final week of January is already upon us. My “revisit in the New Year” list has far less lines through it than I had hoped, and my personal goal to exercise more has not picked up nearly as much steam as I had planned. That said, February proves to be…

MB2.0 – Are You a Hybrid Mommy ...

Last summer I wrote a post that came back to bite me a few times about bloggers and their relationship with members of the public relations field. Some of you will remember the PR black-out brouhaha, but what you may not know is how much incredible support I received in e-mails and Twitter messages about…

#TU – Thumbs Up, Twitter Friends.

For months I’ve been meaning to share this idea, but there never seemed to be a good time. I tweet with hundreds of hashtags for anything from Sitewarming Parties to snarky remarks best suited to one big jumbled word. Tonight is the night I share my idea with the world. Okay, so for right now…

The End of Blog Conferences?

In the last year there have been so many blog conferences for moms, women, techies, foodies, non-bloggers…okay, that last one was a stretch…that it has become literally impossible to keep track of what is where and when and why… But lately I’ve noticed that interest in these conferences has begun to slow down. Could this…