Speak Now for Kids Video

When I set out to create my video message to Congress asking them to support us and Speak Now for Kids, I thought at first that I might explain why health care is important to me. Maybe I would tell the story of my daughter’s birth two months early and the three weeks she spent…

Speak Now for Kids – Join Me in...

Health care reform in this country is inevitable. It has been alluded to by government for decades, and the current administration is moving quickly to bring about change.But will that change benefit our children?Speak Now for Kids is a grassroots movements to ensure that children’s needs are included in health care reform. We must be…

March for Babies

I was so proud of my family, of my children today. These are just a few images from this special morning. Thank you to all who donated to Team Emma or supported us by placing our widget on your site!

A Dollar Can Make the Difference: Ple...

This Saturday, April 25th, my family and I will be walking five miles to save lives. Each year I walk as the team captain for Team Emma, a March of Dimes March for Babies team that raises money in honor of my daughter Emma, who was born two months early in 2004. This year fundraising…

A Story of a Woman and Her Heart

What would you do if you won the lottery tonight? I’m not talking the million dollar rub off. We all know that once the tax man cometh and you pay off your debt, that will basically have disappeared. I’m talking about the big win – 100 million, 200 million, more? I would fill my house…

Cool Earth Green Gift Giving

I returned home yesterday from speaking at a simply incredible conference called Blissdom and was surprised to learn that my husband had purchased a Valentine’s Day gift for me. We don’t exchange gifts for Valentine’s Day – or for many holidays, quite frankly – so now I’m in the awkward position of finding a gift…

Share Our Strength: Operation No Kid ...

Have you heard about the online campaign to end childhood hunger? Share Our Strength has launched a brand new campaign to raise funds to help end childhood hunger. “Operation No Kid Hungry” responds to President Obama’s call to action to end childhood hunger by 2015. Share Our Strength has partnered with AT&T to offer cell…