Cool Earth Green Gift Giving
I returned home yesterday from speaking at a simply incredible conference called
Blissdom and was surprised to learn that my husband had purchased a Valentine’s Day gift for me. We don’t exchange gifts for Valentine’s Day – or for many holidays, quite frankly – so now I’m in the awkward position of finding a gift between now and Saturday.
In a last minute gift situation yourself? Here’s a resourceful solution – Save a Rainforest!
Cool Earth charity launched in November of 2008 with the intention of giving people a tangible way to fight against climate change. While we can all make a difference by recycling, using fossil fuels in moderation, repurposing what we already have, you can also make a difference quickly by simply donating a small amount of money to Cool Earth.
By making a $50 donation, you can protect half an acre of rainforest. Protecting just half an acre locks in 130 tons of carbon dioxide, effectively offsetting a household’s annual emissions by a factor of five. The gift recipient receives a certificate as well as updates from the Cool Earth’s local monitoring team. You are even able to view and monitor your particular half an acre by logging on to!
Want to really wow the recipient? Remind them how much gas you saved by purchasing their gift online rather than driving to the store. Resourceful……I know.