Ask Resourceful Mommy: Disney Edition...

Sarah from Real Life asked: “Is it better to get a package deal or try to book the hotel away from the park?” I’m going to begin with the exceptions to the rule in this case. If you belong to a hotel discount club program, you may do better financially booking a hotel away from…

Child Development with a Twist

One of the online places where I write weekly is Type-A Mom, where I am the Child Development editor. I’ve written articles about everything from a hearing checklist to Kindergarten readiness to children’s growth statistics. But here I sit, with my baby boy just turned three & trying so hard to potty train, and my…

I Used to Be Angry…

…and I would also say there was a healthy dose of bitter. I was one of those girls who decided people in high school probably didn’t like me…because I was too smart. (hold the laughter, please) I listened to an awful lot of Tori Amos in college, and an unhealthy overload of Ani DiFranco in…

Together We Rise: Book Introduction

For those of you waiting to hear more about G’s story, women and choice, or even cartoon voices, I apologize. For the time being, at least, my energies are focused on the non-fiction book I am writing (agents and publishers, feel free to contact me!). This book will feature a bit of history, a touch…

Together We Rise: Speechless

Recently a friend on Twitter tweeted to me, “You’re not subtle, are you?” Subtle is something I’ve never been called. Likewise, speechless is a word that’s never been used to describe me. Until tonight. Tonight I read something that left me utterly speechless, tears rolling down my face.It all started a short while ago when…

Reflections: Message from the Past

Have you ever wondered what you would have written about if blogs existed when you were younger? Well I don’t have to wonder anymore. During a recent trip to my parents’ house, I discovered a journal that I kept when I was seventeen and on my first trip to Europe with a large group of…

Lessons from a Miserable Pregnancy: L...

If you have ever left your doctor’s office with unanswered questions and unheard complaints, then you are very much not alone. I spent my entire first miserable pregnancy feeling as though there was a wall between myself and my health care providers. Perhaps it was my general inexperience with doctor’s visits. Growing up I very…

How Freecycle Changed My Life

I’m a pack rat. A hoarder. A woman who keeps stationary in unopened boxes so that it doesn’t disappear “too quickly.” Yeah. That bad. But like any genetic disorder, my packratitis is not my fault. I come from a long line of pile stackers, closet stuffers, and box overflowers. We’ve got basement fillers, attic packers,…

Motorcycles and Mustangs

I want a motorcycle. I really do. But what I want it for is the funny part. I’d like to have a motorcycle to drive to “the gym” (you know, the one that’s just for ladies…). Why does one need a motorcycle to drive to the gym, you ask? Because my other option is the…

Saying Goodbye to Fernando

The time has come to give away my college couch. I’ve held on to it now for nearly twelve years, and I’ve run out of excuses to keep the tattered piece of 90’s memorabilia. My first thought was to sell Fernando – oh, did I mention the couch’s name is Fernando? – for a large…