Want more Wordless Wednesday? Check out: The Bonafide Life, Better in Bulk, Shanamama, From Dates to Diapers, Not Your Momblog, The Divine Miss Mommy, Colorado Moms, Rajean Blomquist, Brain Foggles, Lil Kid Things, The Centsible Life, Rachel Ferruci, and Zensible Mama. Don’t forget to link your own photos below!
wow. nice! i have never thought of myself as a disney person. some friends have said it’s too commercial. as in, it would have a display about the history of native american indians & it would be sponsored by Kraft, so there’s no info on the trail of tears, small pox, etc. some friends view this type of things as not responsible to kids cuz disney’s not really accurate in some ways.
your pics & blog posts make me want to go. love these flowers & garden spaces.
I love that sand sculpture. It is amazing that someone built that with their hands! I can barely draw stick people! LOL
EPCOT sure does not hold anything back. Everything from the bush and sand sculpture really catches your eye. Those must have taken them forever to complete them. It kind of reminds me a little of some of Lego Land in a way. They just really take it to the next level at EPCOT. 😉
I LOVED seeing the gardens. You got a really nice shot of the passion flower.
Is that what that purple flower is? There were two amazing, small butterflies flying around it, but they wouldn’t land. I finally just gave up and focused on the flower itself.
Yes, they have a fab scent. I have a vine I am trying to cultivate to bloom but no luck yet 🙂