The Ultimate Blog Party 2009!

Ultimate Blog Party 2009

This Friday, March 20th is the kick-off to the biggest mom blogging event of the year!

Join us this Friday at 9 p.m. EST on Twitter as I help the ladies from 5 Minutes for Mom kick off this much anticipated yearly event by co-hosting their big party!

We’ll be tweeting about blogging, giving away great prizes, and we’ve got @MooshinIndy, @AnissaMayhew and @jenndon tweeting with us to help with great blog tips!

Jennifer, @jenndon, lives in Connecticut with her husband and two kids (10 and 4). She blogs at Snapshot and is managing editor at 5 Minutes for Books.

Anissa, @AnissaMayhew, has been blogging since July of 2006 when her 2 year old daughter was diagnosed with cancer. What started as a labor of love for this wife and mom of three turned into a passion. Getting her busy on in Florida (soon to be Georgia), Anissa lives by a motto of “Live, Laugh and Love” and does all three of these with total abandon. She can be found at Hope4Peyton talking about just about everything whenever she can dig herself out from under the mountain of magically-reproducing laundry. You can also find her everywhere, but don’t forget about 5 Minutes for Special Needs!

The Ultimate Blog Party is a way to network with other moms, win great prizes, and promote your site. Last year over 1500 bloggers participated, and with Twitter and Facebook jumping into the mix, this year could be even bigger!

During this great event you can win amazing prizes, and you do not have to be a blogger to enter! All of the rules and prizes are listed at 5 Minutes for Mom here.

So how do you join the party?

  • Invite your friends, just like I’m inviting all of you!
  • Host a party at your place: During the party week, write one post that is your party post.
  • Mr. Linky: When your party post is up, add it to Mr. Linky!
  • Add a prize (optional)
  • Get out and PARTY! Click around the Mr. Linky links and find some great new blogs to love!
  • Have an After Party: Did you find a great blog that you want to share with your readers? A week or two after the party ends, write a post introducing that blog to the world!
  • Non-Bloggers: You can play, too! All you need to do to win is comment on the party post and attend some parties on linked sites.

Please click here to read more about the 5 Minutes for Mom Ultimate Blog Party, get the button codes, or sign up to donate a prize.

See you Friday!

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