Two Years of Resourceful Mommy

Today is the two year bloggiversary of Resourceful Mommy and while part of me would like to wax philosophical about the changes that have come to my life as a result of this blog, the fact is that even as I write this I’m watching my four year old climb on a chair to pull a toy out of a net, the chair tipping just a bit too far… With no time to reflect, I thought I’d take a numbers view of my last two years of blogging.

2 years

2 blog platforms

3 designs

5 television features

7 conferences

83 breakdowns

176 unfulfilled “bright ideas”

Nearly 200 Twitter parties

762 posts

1,723 subscribers

1,835 Facebook fans


20,217 Twitter followers

342,987 times asking my kids to “use their patience”

Friendships, fulfillment, and fun…immeasurable

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