Twitter Party Calendar – Save the Date!

While all Twitter Party announcements can be found in the Twitter Parties section of Resourceful Mommy, it has been requested that the calendar be available not only by the month, but also in a way that can be added to readers’ calendars. For this reason, we’ve created a Twitter Party Calendar page, which is the new home of the Resourceful Mommy Twitter Parties calendar. You can view the party schedule by week, month, or agenda, you can add the events to your own calendars in order to receive reminders, and you can even print a schedule. We hope that this will make it easier for all of you to find the parties that you’d like to attend. Let us know what you think!

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1 Comment

  • I like the calendar. Thanks. It is handy. I couldn’t clikc through on the facebook memo that was sent out today re: sitewarmings and parties this week, so having this here is a very helpful thing for me.