Supporting Classrooms in Need

Back to school has begun to turn into back to routines.  Bus pick-up is once again a normal occurrence, homework sheets have begun to appear in backpacks, extra-curriculars are in full swing.  It is easy to forget about our disappointment last year when programs, teachers, and resources are cut.  It is so easy to forget that the teachers who care for our children and their learning day in and day out are doing so with tight or non-existent budgets.  And it is sometimes hard to remember…that we can help.

Brand Outreach

Every year hundreds of companies use the back to school season as a way to reach out to their customers and communities and give back.  This year Clorox has stepped up to the plate to provide a $50,000 grant to a school nominated and voted upon by you!  The Power a Bright Future Grants for Schools Program allows readers to nominate their favorite school to receive grant money that will fund some of our favorite programs: art, music, athletics. While visiting the Power a Bright Future program website, you can also learn more about how to keep your classroom clean and healthy as well as enter daily to win prizes.  Want to get involved?  Take a few moments to visit the websites of some of your favorite household brands and look for similar programs that support teachers and their students.

Personal Outreach

Ready to take a bigger leap toward supporting classrooms?  We can all begin by reaching out to our children’s teachers to find out what supplies they not only need, but what supplies they would love to have. Sometimes all it takes is a group of parents joining together to purchase one supply to take a lesson from ordinary to extraordinary.  It never hurts to ask your child’s teacher if they need anything beyond the disinfectant wipes and the hand soap.  Could they really use a new microscope?  If all of the room parents put in a few dollars at the holidays rather than purchasing chocolates and scarves, could they make a huge difference?

There are also many organizations in place to help those looking to contribute more find classrooms in need.  Adopt-a-Classroom allows you to meet the specific needs of a specific teacher who has reached out for help.  Your donation goes directly towards placing items in classrooms, items that are requested and that will be used.  At Donors Choose the impact of your family’s contribution to an underserved community classroom will not only be felt by those students who receive the donated items, but will also be felt by your family as well through the thank you cards and updates that you will receive.  I personally love the idea of giving that gives back because it provides tangible learning tools for our children as we teach them the power of giving.

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  • Thanks for the reminder. I’ve been going to pick up some supplies (including tissues and hand cleaner!) for my grandson’s classroom!