Spring Cleaning at Resourceful Mommy
It’s spring cleaning time! This time of year I frequent Freecycle as I realize that items necessary for family fun last year no longer hold my growing children’s interest, or I finally give up on those pre-kid shorts and send my husband to the closest charity drop-off point.
But today is different. I’m getting ready to do some spring cleaning of my blog.
For some time now – okay, nearly two years – I’ve been told to move from Blogger to self-hosted WordPress. Those of you who blog are already screaming, “You mean you haven’t done that yet?!” No, I have not. I enjoy hacking the code on Blogger, creating my own graphics, running the show myself. But the time has come to get my ducks in a row, and WordPress seems to be the best way to do that.
With the change will come a new blogging schedule. I’ll certainly still let you know about Twitter parties as the information rolls in and share what’s on my mind in my anything-but-scheduled rants, but there will also be specific days of the week that you can expect to find information about Disney, resourceful parenting tips, and even giveaways. So pardon my dust! When the smoke clears, Resourceful Mommy will be a lot more resourceful.