A Resourceful Mommy Field Trip

Although most of my writing lives right here, on Resourceful Mommy, I also write for Blissfully Domestic’s Family Bliss channel and am the Suburban Mom Editor for Type-A Mom. If you haven’t been to these sites lately (or ever!), then now is the time.

Join me for an RM field trip around the web as we visit the wonderful sites I call home.
Are You a Professional Mom?
When I taught middle school English, there were always a few co-workers whose lack of professionalism, inappropriateness with students, or general laziness got my blood boiling. One woman in particular drove my frustration levels through the roof, and because we taught the same subject on the same team, we had to work together often. I thought my days of worrying about irresponsible co-workers ended the day I gave birth to my daughter until I realized that moms have co-workers, too. So…are you a professional mom?
“Once upon a time tiny tots languished in playpens while moms tried the latest casserole recipes and caught up on the soaps. Babies sat in high chairs without five point harnesses and chewed on stale cookies while mom did the dishes and chatted on the phone with the neighbor. But these days are long gone. We are officially in the era of the “professional mom.”

Today being a stay-at-home mom is more of a career option…” article continues here…

Kids and Car Safety in the Suburbs
On a recent drive with the kids and husband in tow, I was appalled by how many people tailgate mini-vans. Turning to my husband I said, “Don’t those drivers think about the fact that if they crash into the back of that van they are going to hit children and babies?” Husband’s response: “No.” So here’s the heads up, drivers.

Why Do We Celebrate Halloween?
This article was published today on Blissfully Domestic’s Family Bliss channel, and I expected it to be an informational piece only. Little did I know that it would start a discussion – a somewhat controversial discussion – that moved to the Blissfully Domestic forum. If you’ve got a strong opinion about whether or not kids should be allowed to celebrate a holiday that some believe is still strongly associated with the occult, then head to the forum. Or maybe you’d just like to check it out to read the words of those who are of this opinion…
“Halloween comes earlier and earlier to our house every year. My four year old daughter starts to fantasize out loud to anyone who will listen about what her Halloween costume should be this year, and how I am going to have to make it. By mid-summer I’m hearing about costumes from peacocks to pencils, question marks to queens, and everything – and I mean everything – in between. This year her two year old brother joined the fun in August by requesting an apple costume. An apple. In the end we went for Snow Queen and Puppy (same as last year for the little guy), but it all makes me wonder. Why do we celebrate Halloween?”
Activities to Help Your Family Enjoy the Last Days of Summer
Summer is gone – and winter is on its way. This morning there was frost on my windshield and coats on my kids. But in September, I wrote this article to help everyone savor those last moments….maybe there’s a little summer left where you live and you can squeeze the most out of those last days…
“Labor Day has come and gone. Those of us who gauge the passage of time by holidays are skipping right past Columbus Day and beginning to plan Halloween costumes. But don’t pack up your picnic basket just yet!
Despite the fact that more and more school districts…” article continues here…

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