Organize Your Life

While I haven’t been blogging as much about it lately, in the past I’ve written often about ways to simplify your life.  I’m certainly no organization expert – in fact, organization is a constant battle for me – but I’ve found little resourceful tricks along the way that make life easier.  Some of my favorites include the simple way to make mini muffins, cutting kid clutter, turning shelves into drawers with bins, dealing with toy clutter, organizing craft clutter (do you see the clutter theme?), and one of my all time favorite tricks, how to remove onion smell from your hands.

Over the last few years I’ve made so much organizational progress that I began to feel like I had it under control, when in reality there are so many places in my home that still need work…and a lot of it.  My go-to person when I’m experiencing a struggle be it with clutter, my to-do list, or my calendar is Molly Gold from GO MOM, Inc. I trust her completely with my problems, big and small, so was more than happy to jump on a call with the Stow Company at her recommendation to learn about how organization can save my family time this summer giving us more time for what summer is really about – fun!

We moved into our home nine months ago, and while there is now twice as much space for us to spread out, there are new challenges that result from that increase in space.  I enjoyed learning about some of the basic tenants of organization that Stow embraces including basing your organizational system around frequency of use. I loved hearing validation that frequently used items need to be kept not only easily accessible, but easily seen, not simply because that makes the most sense, but because it empowers kids to get what they need themselves.  I love anything that saves this mom time! Logistically, most kids work well with clear bins, metal mesh, and pullout drawers/bins.  Out of sight, out of mind, and we want our kids to remember to put their things away, right?

A main challenge area for me is our two car garage because while we’d like to store items in that space, we’d also love to actually keep both cars in the garage as well.  So often I notice driveways filled with cars and garages filled with “stuff” and wonder if there isn’t a better way.  It turns out that there is! Stow helped us understand that the garage is all about zones.  The area closest to the door to your home is the “need it now” zone, so this is where you should store items that you may need frequently inside the home.  For us, that has become the recycle center, an easy point of transition from the kitchen to the curb.  I loved learning about options for long, tall and thin storage along the outside walls of the garage.  This is a great place to store items you may not need frequently with “need it now” items for the yard closest to the garage’s outside doors. This is where we’re now storing our rakes, shovels, and other gardening items, which used to be closer to the front of the cars and more difficult to reach.

It has been a pleasure to learn more about resourceful home organization and get to know the amazing people at The Stow Company.  To learn more about their products and how they can help you organize your life, visit

I have not received Stow product nor financial compensation for this post.  I did, however, enjoy a lovely dinner at Early Girl Eatery in Asheville, NC, complements of Stow.  I had the pimento grilled cheese, which I highly recommend. 🙂

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