My Home was the Before Photo

(subtitled: Why I Said Yes to the EasyClosets Total Home Tour)

For a few years now I’ve received Good Housekeeping each month, the result of a gift subscription that I can no longer place, but continue to enjoy.

With that said, years of reading this and other lifestyle magazines has done very little to improve my home decoration and organization skills. Case in point…

Earlier this year I was reading a home makeover article in Good Housekeeping when I realized with dismay that the pillows on the before picture looked familiar. Looking more closely I confirmed that yes, those very pillows were in my bedroom(where they remain). I turned the page to see the home owner’s rejuvenated couch, complete with new pillows, the bedroom pillows likely donated to those less fortunate and less decorative.

Okay, so that stung. But then I noticed this: I also own the rug in the before picture. In fact, that very rug is right now in my living room.


Around the same time as my interior shaming, I received the opportunity to sign on to the EasyClosets Total Home Tour. Not only would this give me the opportunity to organize areas of my home, but it would also mean access to a design expert who would help me select and order the organizational components perfect for my home. Hint: This would keep my home from becoming the before picture in an article titled “How Not to Organize Your Home.” Hint again: ALL EasyClosets customers have the same access to a design expert. (Not just bloggers. Really!)

Over the next couple weeks as we head towards the new year – a time when so many of us re-evaluate and re-organize our homes and offices – I’m going to walk you through my EasyClosets experience and share before and after images that don’t involve rugs and pillows, but do show the incredible transformation that occurred in my home.

Thanks for joining me!

Disclosure: In exchange for this post series, I received EasyClosets product. All opinions and horrible disorganization are my own. Some of the manual labor was my husband’s, but I jigged out that outlet opening ALL. BY. MYSELF.

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