Mamavation Monday: The Week Two Blues

Friday morning I woke up, weighed myself, and was happy to have lost another half a pound bringing my weight loss to seven pounds in ten days of tracking my calories and workouts on I felt great, my body full of lean proteins, my carbs kept to the appropriate amount, my fats coming from healthy foods.  That weigh in also put me within a half pound of a new number in the tens column, a number I haven’t seen in a very long time. So I woke up Saturday energized and excited to check my progress, ready to see that number.  Only when I looked down, I saw the exact same number as the day before.  No big deal.  I was trying some new workouts and Sunday would bring that elusive new number.  So Saturday I danced and Zumba’d and Sunday morning….the same number.  So yesterday I played Just Dance 2 for about 40 minutes and did Jillian Michaels’ 30 Day Shred.  I tracked my food.  I even got outside and built a slide to attach to the playset.  I was really ready to see that number this morning. I jumped out of bed, ran to the scale and…

My weight was exactly the same as it was on Friday.

I headed to Twitter to ask in the #mamavation tag if anyone knew what might be happening, and that’s when someone pointed out the curse of week two.  Anyone who watches The Biggest Loser knows that at the first weigh in most contestants post huge numbers.  Then week two rolls around and not only do some contestants not lose weight at all, but some actually gain.  Week three always puts them back on track, so for now, I’m just hanging in there, nose to the grindstone.  I’m still feeling and seeing changes from my now almost flat back to the jeans I was able to wear for the first time in years over the weekend.  So here’s to week three!

And man, I hope I see that elusive number soon…

What do you do when you find yourself hitting a wall in your progress?

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  • I’ve been in the week 2 stage for like 2 months. I lost 3 lbs, now no matter how hard I try I can’t lose anymore.

    • Amy

      Oh no!! Are you feeling a change in your body?

      • no not really at times I feel slimmer, but no change in appearance of scale weight.

  • Lisa @LisaVFitness

    Week two sucks. It often comes with no reward. It tests your character. So here’s to you acing that test! Keep up the good work girlfriend!

    • Amy

      Thank you! I’m hanging in there!!

  • Good luck to you and what you are looking for with your measurable goals. May week three be nice.

  • You had a fabulous first week… I would just average the two and you are still smokin’! Isn’t the average weight loss 2lbs a week? So no worries. Your body is fighting to hold onto what it has, but should play nicer for week three. Just keep it up. This is one reason why weighing myself once a week keeps my weight-loss blues in check and my motivation up.

    Best of luck this week! Keep up the great work.

  • @lovinmomma8

    Ohh! Heard of this, didn’t know it was specifically two weeks but I’ve heard of the sudden stop. I hate that! Keep going! Keep going! 🙂 One other thing I hate is when you get your body used to a certain workout out schedule or routine, eventually it will stop working..or your body gets so used to it that when you stop it’s hard to stay fit… That was my issue, I used to play lots of sports and when I stopped my body noticed it! So I’m sure you know what you are doing more than I would! But just a tip don’t get your body used to anything too rigorous unless you will be able to do that long term. 🙂 Yayy for you!! You can get to your goal!! You are already doing great, don’t let “the week two blues: stop you 🙂

  • I change what I’m eating and if I can, I change my workout. Doesn’t have to be a huge change – just enough to shake things up and let my body know who’s in charge 🙂

  • See you hung in there and seen amazing results this morning. Way to go girl..

  • Keep up the great work Amy! I agree with Andrea & always think it helps to look at your average loss when the scale slows down. It makes me feel like I’m on right track for goal if I average a 1-2 LB/wk loss. Don’t be discouraged! And please keep us posted – You’re an inspiration!