While it feels like summer has just begun, the end of July is nearly here and that means it’s time to think about back to school. To celebrate, JCPenney is offering free haircuts for children at all JCP Salons the entire month of August! To kick the month off, JCPenney will donate $1 to The Boys and Girls Club and 4H for every children’s haircut given on August 1st. We’re hoping to send lots of support in their direction by partying this Thursday with the women from The MOMS. JCPenney has committed to match up to $50,000 to The Boys and Girls Club, so let’s help get people to JCP Salons on August 1st for free children’s haircuts and put money on the hands of these great organizations! I hope to see you at the…
When: Thursday, July 26th from 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. ET
Where: #freehaircuts tag on Twitter
How: Follow hosts @ResourcefulMom and @TheMOMS and tweet with the event tag to participate. Please also follow sponsor @JCPenney and special guests @ninagarcia and @nickstensonhair
Ten (10) winners will each receive a $25 gift card to JCPenney.
Twitter Party Rules:
HOW TO ENTER: Beginning 7/26/12 at 8:00 p.m. ET and 7/26/12 at 9:00 p.m. ET, participants must use the hashtag #freehaircuts in response to questions during the event in order to qualify to win prizes. @ResourcefulMom will choose a winner at random using Twitter search by refreshing the search page. The most recent tweet using the hashtag #freehaircuts and tweeting in response to questions will be the winner. All decisions are final. Neither the party sponsor nor the hosts @ResourcefulMom and @TheMOMS are responsible for misdirected or undeliverable Twitter updates, including those from private Twitter accounts.
RESPONSIBILITY: By entering and participating, entrant agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Sponsor, Resourceful Mommy Media, and all participating entities from and against any and all claims, demands, liability, damages or causes of action, losses, costs or expenses.
SPONSOR: JCPenney Salons
PRIZES: Ten (10) $25 JCPenney gift cards
I think it’s a great idea to be able to combine back to school shopping with a haircut and donate to The Boys and Girls Club and 4H! That’s multi-multitasking.
I’ll see you there 🙂
Sounds wonderful
Can’t wait for the party!
Sounds fun, looking forward to tweeting with everyone!
Excited! My Mom & I go to JC Penny’s Salon! 😀
Kudos to JCPenney for this partnership! Let’s help them donate $50,000 to The Boys and Girls Club!!
[…] Join us this Thursday at 8pm […]
I’ll be there! 🙂
Sounds great! lesli @Lkerfien
Love that JcPenney is doing this. I hope this helps them have a huge turnout.Goodness knows The Boys and Girls Club can use the money.
I’ll be there…always love JC Penney and a good chat!
Love @jcpenney and ready to do some back to school shopping!!
cant wait! @fowler121600
I love JcPenny! Can’t wait for the party tonight!
Ready for the party!
Can’t wait for the party!
@slstaffo will be there! RSVP
I LOVE Moms In the City! They’re always doing something!
RSVP for the party tonight
See you there
RSVP: @helyn4
yay! it’s time!
what fun!
We are giong August 11th! Thanks for the Party and the help with my daughter’s haircut!! @FirstclassKris