#HuggiesMom Twitter Party Tonight

Please join us Tuesday from 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. eastern time as we SiteWarm the Huggies Online Baby Shower and throw an online baby shower for Mercedes Levy, an original Walmart Eleven Moms member, mom of two boys, and soon-to-be mom of a little girl.
While we share our best baby tips and memories, we will also play fun games and win prizes! Twenty guests will receive free product samples from Huggies, plus a gift card to Walmart where you can find all the items that you need for a new baby from diapers to cribs, toys to clothes!
To get started, please visit the
Huggies Online Baby Shower site and have some fun. You can enter a birth weight and date in the baby pool contest, leave Mercedes a video message, and maybe even win a prize. While you’re there, don’t forget to nominate a mom-to-be to be the next Huggies Online Baby shower guest of honor, and sign Mercedes’ guest book.
Want to know how to win the Twitter baby shower prizes?
1. Let me know in the comments that you visited the Huggies Online Baby Shower and left a message, uploaded a video or entered to the pool.
2. Follow @HuggiesMom on Twitter and leave a comment here telling me.
3. Visit the Huggies page on Walmart and be prepared to answer questions about the site during the party. While you’re there, don’t miss the free samples!
4. Tweet any time tomorrow up until 9 p.m. ET with the hashtag #HuggiesMom and you will automatically be entered to win.
5. RSVP below and you will automatically be entered to win.
Thank you to Huggies and Walmart for sponsoring this event and supplying so many great prizes for new and expecting moms.
RSVP Here: