How to Tame Backpack Paper Clutter

I have a confession. While I have had the occasional good organization idea (I still love using bins to turn shelves into drawers), I continue to find myself overwhelmed by the papers that come home each day in my children’s backpacks. My kids’ backpacks are very organized with folders that contain a “keep home” and a “send back” side, but that doesn’t change the fact that on a daily basis five to ten papers are entering my kitchen every day at 4:00. We’ve tried magnetic clips on the fridge and piles on the kitchen island.  It still seems that the paper clutter creeps up and it requires a Saturday morning of sorting to take us back to a clutter-free kitchen.

Anticipating another year of the same clutter and chaos and finally clearing out cycle, I turned to my favorite organization expert, Molly from GO MOM, Inc. There are many times a day that I find myself wondering WWMD – what would Molly do – and the answer usually helps me get through a task more efficiently and effectively. Molly very graciously offered to create a video for Resourceful Mommy readers, and I know that this will be as big a help to all of you as it has been for me.

For more amazing tips from Molly, visit her site and subscribe to the GO MOM, Inc. YouTube channel, which is filled with more incredible ideas for getting your life organized!

Thank you, Molly!

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