I have been so sick. You know that kind of sick where you think the next day is going to feel better and then you wake up to find that you feel worse? The kind of sick where you lie in bed needing desperately to sleep, only you feel so bad that you cannot fall asleep? The kind of tired where you are pretty sure you are about to burst into tears at any moment?
Yeah. That.
I want to write a Mamavation post. I want to share a parenting story. I want to finally finish this Disney post that I’m writing that I promise will be incredibly helpful! But right now I feel like I’m walking in a fog and would really much rather curl up in a ball and go to sleep.
Thank you for your patience while I work on feeling better!
Being sick is the pits. I had a two week long cold in mid-October that knocked me on my butt. Hope you feel better soon!
Friend =( So sorry its more than less sick ~ rest ~ work will keep ~ it always does =)
Oh no, I’m so sorry! Get some rest and just worry about getting better! Hope you feel better soon!
Oh, no, Amy! Please get well soon. *passing you a box of tissues, some throat lozenges, and a bowl of chicken noodle soup*
It’s the kind of sick that lasts longer because you can’t just curl up and sleep for a couple of days. I hope you recover quickly.
I hope you feel better soon! It is never fun being sick.