Ain’t No Party Like an RM Party ‘Cuz an RM Party Don’t Stop!

(Photo Credit: Seite-3 on Flickr.Com)

Okay, so it will eventually. All good things must come to an end. But the Resourceful Mommy party will be rocking from 9 pm EST until at least 10 pm EST on Twitter this Friday, October 17th. Hop on your laptop and toss your GPS. Here are the only directions you need:

1. Join Twitter: If you do not have a Twitter account, set one up prior to the party by going to

2. @Me: On Friday evening let me know that you are joining the fun by typing: @ResourcefulMom Let’s party! (or some other witty heads up of your choosing.)

That’s It! No, really. That’s all that you need to do to join in the fun!

And like any good party, we’ve got entertainment. Twitter is a virtual brain trust of writers, marketers, publicists, and parenting experts to say the very least, so simply being online with such a great group of men and women is an opportunity to learn and grow. But on this particular night, our growth will be facilitated by panelists who are experts in product review, blogging for revenue, working with big business, finding success in marketing using social media, and freelance writing just to name a few. Some have more experience than others, and their levels of success thus far are varied along with that experience, but they are all going to be on Twitter this Friday to answer your questions and offer their tips.

If you’d like to hear what they have to share while having a great time in the Twitterverse, follow these women and get your questions ready:

Meet the Panel:

@JeanAnnVK – Jean Ann Van Krevelen describes herself as “a serious foodie, an avid gardener and a crazed entrepreneur.” She is the president of Escalation Business Consulting and the owner of Gardener to Farmer. A blogger herself as well as a blog and social media coach, Jean Ann brings not only fun, but an incredible knowledge base to the party. Find Jean Ann online at Gardener to Farmer, The Edgy Entrepreneur, and Portland Foodie.

@JessicaKnows – Jessica Smith is not only super mom to a fun toddler, but she has also become a rising star in the world of blogging and social media/marketing. The founder of the Chief Mom Officer revolution, Jessica is working to build strong relationships between stay-at-home moms and the companies whose agenda’s those women can further – and all with recognition and compensation! Jessica blogs and vlogs at Jessica Knows.

@ToThinkArianne Segerman is a wife, mother, and writer, but she’s now also the Director of Community Development at One2One Network working on marketing, blogger outreach, and social strategy. A prolific writer, Arianne blogs at 5 Minutes for Going Green, Stop Looking at Me, Blog Nosh Magazine, Chicago Moms Blog, Mama Speaks, and To Think. Arianne is truly a blogging expert and will have so much to share this Friday.

@ShannonEis – Shannon Eis is new to Twitter, but she’s not new to writing about issues that appeal to Resourceful Mommy’s like me including toy safety. Shannon writes on her blog, The Mannered Mom, as part of Time to Play Magazine online. Mother to two little ones, Shannon is also the toy and technology expert for The Late Show with David Letterman.

@Nikki_S – Nichole Smith blogs on her site, Chaos in the Country, about what it is like to be a work at home mom trying to raise a family and find success as a freelance writer. And she’s certainly found success! Nicole was recently hired to be the Chief Mom Officer for BabySpot.Com, a company that provides a safe place for parents to share pictures of their children with family and friends in other places. With a little luck, she’ll tell us Friday night how she earned the position. In the meantime, head over to Nichole’s other site, The Guilty Parent, and do a little reading.

@modernmami – On, Melanie Edwards writes about her life as a parent and what it is like to juggle all that a mom has to juggle in the modern world; she’s a true Mommy Blogger! Interested in getting started as a Mommy Blogger yourself? Join us Friday!

And don’t forget your Goody Bag!

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