Wordless Wednesday Link-Up

Did you post a Wordless Wednesday this week? Link it here!

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  • Hey! ‘Your house looks like our townhouse minus 2 cats on top of the boxes lol

  • Ugh! Isn’t moving/packing the worst!?

    It’s my first try at a Wordless Wednesday post! Yay!

  • Looks familiar! We moved in February and I am still unpacking boxes. Sigh. Good luck!

  • Great picture of a move! I hate moving, and somehow seem to end up doing it once every two years or so…

  • For some reason the first comment did the wrong link (but the Mr. Linky is right) πŸ™‚

  • That does not look like fun!

  • Moving can be so overwhelming. It actually looks like you have gone about it in a very organized fashion and are handling all it very well.

  • That sight makes me NEVER want to move. Except that I do…

  • That is what my house looked like a few weeks ago. Thanks for linking up to my very first Wordish Wednesday hop, I also joined your linky πŸ™‚

    Have a great week.

    xo, Supermom Alysha

  • Oh, I know that chaos only too well! I wish you smooth settling.

  • The Joys of moving! At least it’s a Kleenex box and not another type of box that starts with a K…..RFLMAO!

  • Are you moving? So much work to pack up a house. UGH. Good luck… Thanks for linkin up for WW!

  • That would be why I fear even thinking about moving. Of course the “fun” with the schools is making me rethink this.

  • The thought of having to move from this house of 21 years would be frightening! I am trying now to start clearing out, we want to give the house to our son and travel in a few years, it’ll take that long to get there!

  • glad i am not the only one with boxes…
    lol, we moved in may πŸ™

  • nicole

    Hi I am Nicole from ColiesKitchen.com I wanted to drop by and say hi. I really like your blog, and am now a new follower. I would love to have you stop by Colie’s Kitchen if you get a chance.

  • I do not miss moving days and I’m hoping not to have one for awhile! Good luck!

  • If I ever move again (which I hope to). I will be hiring movers and packers,,, it’s SOOO worth it πŸ™‚

    thanks for sharing your WW


  • JoeyfromSC

    Moving is such hard work! Good luck with it all!! I am glad to see you using “regular” boxes too haha-I see so many people spend(waste) $ on expensive moving boxes!

  • I’m not in the process of moving and my living room looks like that! We are cleaning out closets and prepping all rooms for Thanksgiving! I’m so OVER boxes right now!

  • New to the link up!