Week at a Glance – January 24th to January 30th
I cannot believe that the final week of January is already upon us. My “revisit in the New Year” list has far less lines through it than I had hoped, and my personal goal to exercise more has not picked up nearly as much steam as I had planned. That said, February proves to be an exciting month with the upcoming Blissdom Conference, the Disney Social Media Moms Celebration, some alone time with the children as my husband travels for work, and the main event, my daughter’s 6th birthday! As her favorite aunt mentioned this morning, “It’s time to count your age on two hands.” It’s amazing what will drive a mom to tears.
Before we bid farewell to January, we’ve got some exciting things coming up this week on Resourceful Mommy:
– The 30 Days of Change first challenge will be in full swing, and hopefully we’ll both see vast improvements in our lives.
– Are your kids just getting the hang of all of those loud electronics they received over the holidays? Learn how to protect their precious hearing with an important parenting resource.
Twitter Parties
– We’ll be partying this Thursday the 28th at 8:00 p.m. EST and also getting together for our traditional Friday night Sitewarming at 9:00 p.m. EST. Both parties are not to be missed, and you’ll receive more information shortly.
– At long last you’ll hear about what the resourceful kids think about K’NEX. Our days of big, bulky blocks are over…
– In March I’ll be speaking at a Bloggy Bootcamp in Baltimore. Learn more this week, including how you can attend!
If this week is like any other, you can expect all of this and much more. Here’s to January going out with a bang!