VSP.com and Nine West “EYE” Q Twitter Party

They’re windows to your overall health; they contain more than two million working
parts; they can distinguish 500 shades of gray and provide a fun and functional
opportunity to show your personal style. That’s right…we’re talking about your eyes!
Please join me as we test your “Eye” Q and give away chic shades and other accessories
at the….

VSP.com and Nine West “Eye” Q Twitter Party

About VSP

VSP Vision Care is the nation’s largest not-for-profit vision benefits provider helping its
more than 57 million members save money, be healthy, and look great. Learn more at

When: Wednesday, May 16th from 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. EST/5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. PST

Where: #VSPEyeQ tag on Twitter

How: Follow party host @ResourcefulMom and sponsor @VSPVisionCare and tweet with the tag to participate


  • Eight (8) pairs of Nine West sunglasses
  • One (1) Grand Prize: A pair of Nine West sunglasses, a Nine West handbag and Nine West watch



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