Twitter Party TONIGHT with Mom Select


Tonight I will be tweeting once again with the ladies of Mom Select for another fun Twitter party with great conversation and prizes. Join me? The official invitation follows:

As parents, we send our children to school, day care and play dates to gain a number of skills and life lessons, but they just can’t help but pick up a few other things along the way. However, there is one thing that we don’t want them to tote home along with permission slips and leftover lunches – head lice!

Because head lice is feared by Moms and kids everywhere, we’re so excited to host a twitter party to provide you with solutions for tackling this “icky” problem, sponsored by a brand who specializes in preventing it! Zippity Doo’s™ is a line of children’s daily use hair care products that help prevent head lice. Their products contain natural ingredients that are mild enough for daily use and provide health benefits to the hair and scalp while helping to prevent lice infestation.

Zippity Doo’s™ Twitter Party
Date: Thursday, March 18th, 2010
Time: 8 p.m. – 9 p.m. EST
Location: #ZippityDoos
Host: @MomTalkRadio (Maria Bailey, Founder of MomSelect)

Join us to learn how you can provide your child with extra protection against head lice through daily regimentation and to share some hair horror stories of your own. And of course, you’ll have the opportunity to win great products from Zippity Doo’s to protect your little one’s locks!

Get in on the fun before the party event starts! We have an entire set of Zippity Doo’s products to give away as a pre-party prize. This set includes 5 products- shampoo, conditioner, styling gel, detangler and shield spray.

To be eligible to win, make sure you complete the following:
– Click HERE to RSVP
– Tweet out the details of the #ZippityDoos party between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. on the day of the party

Be sure to follow @MomTalkRadio, @ResourcefulMom and @MomSelectAmy throughout the evening for updates, prize information and contest details.

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