Back-to-school season is upon us, and Tiny Prints is making going back to school fun for kids and adults! Join us to chat about great back-to-school products for kids from kindergarteners to seniors and grown-ups from mom to teacher. And of course, what would be a Twitter Party without prizes? We’ve got one prize every two minutes! I hope to tweet you at…
When: Thursday, August 11th from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. ET/1:00 to 2:00 p.m. PT
Where: #MakeItPersonal Twitter hashtag
How: Follow @ResourcefulMom and @TinyPrints and use the party hashtag during the event hour.
oh first i am paying attention today!
would miss it for anything @UnKatchable73
Sounds great! Can’t wait! @Doodle741
Can’t wait. This is pumping me up for the first day of school!
Can’t wait sounds like fun and informative.
Love Tiny prints. Met Jessica at BlogHer. Very interested in joining my first twitter party.
fun, fun! thanks!
I can’t wait! I usually miss these but since I’m on bedrest I can make it 🙂 @RamblinSouthMom
So excited!! Back to school is my favorite shopping time of the year! 🙂
cool thanks!
Sounds gret RSVP’d Tweet you there @SavingUGreenMom
hard to believe kids go back to school next week…summer flew by
@mutantleash will be there
I LOVE Tiny Prints, and now send all of my greeting cards this way. I can’t believe all of the comments/feedback I have gotten about these awesome cards. @martiferg
These are my fave parties lol..I was just thinking the other day that it was probably time for one..I think I missed last month’s:(
I adore Tiny Prints and have switched to using them for all of my greeting cards. My family members have loved receiving them, too!
Can’t wait!
Can’t wait! See you then! @tiffany053p
Tiny Prints are the best! Can’t wait :)! @ReneeJ68
Since being introduced to @tinyprints by @resourcefulmom these are the only cards I send to friends and family throughout the country and I never here anything but positive remarks when they are received! @martiferg
Thanks for hosting! See you there! 🙂
I’ll be there
Yay! Nothing better than a Tiny Prints and Resourceful Mom #makeitpersonal twitter party!!
looking forward to learning more about Tiny Prints and using it for blogging
Looking forward to it!!! You are going to be one busy lady!!! 🙂
Trying to make it there
Excited for the Twitter party!
Looking forward to it.
Thanks for the parties!
would love to win!
popping in late!