#TheOnlineMom Party – Tomorrow at 9 p.m. EST!

Tomorrow from 9:00 to 10:00 p.m. EST is @TheOnlineMom’s weekly technology chat for parents, and I’ll be joining The Online Mom, Monica Vila, as we discuss all of your biggest technology questions when it comes to your kids. And of course…there are great prizes!

Will you join me there? Below is the official invitation from TheOnlineMom.com.

Join us for our
Wednesday, January 13, from 9 – 10pm EST

How old does my child need to be…

1. …before he can play videogames?

2. …before she gets a cell phone?

3. …to have a Facebook Account?

4. …to sign up for Club Penguin?

5. …to get her own computer?
Join us to find the answers you’re looking for!
Plus, recommendations on software and other tools to keep your kids safe!!
And be sure you’re signed up for a chance to win a collection of GREAT VIDEO GAMES!!
(You must RSVP to participate and be entered in the prize drawing.)

Email: [email protected]
Sign-up for our Newsletter at http://www.theonlinemom.com/join.asp (optional)
Spread the word and RT this link on your Twitter feed: http://tinyurl.com/y9us5ru
Tweet anytime Wednesday until 10pm EST and join us on Tweetchat or Tweetgrid #theonlinemom to participate in the discussion.
WINNERS will be announced at 9:59PM Wednesday, January 13th!
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You can also send questions about how technology is affecting your kids in an e-mail to The Online Mom and we’ll get back to you within 48 hours. All questions will be treated as confidential. Contact The Online Mom today [email protected]

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