Coming to theaters March 2nd, Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax is an adaptation of the classic tale of a forest creature who shares the enduring power of hope. The animated adventure follows the journey of a 12-year-old as he searches for the one thing that will enable him to win the affection the girl of his dreams. To find it he must discover the story of the Lorax, the grumpy yet charming creature who fights to protect his world. (Rated PG)
View the trailer here:
When: Wednesday, February 1st from 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. ET
Where: #TheLoraxMovie on Twitter
How: To participate, use the party tag during the party hour and follow sponsor @TheLorax and host @ResourcefulMom. Learn more about how to participate in a Twitter Party.
Want to connect with The Lorax now? Learn more at the official website of The Lorax, on YouTube , and don’t forget to like The Lorax on Facebook!
Ten (10) winners will each receive a second place The Lorax prize pack, which includes:
Five (5) winners will each receive a first place The Lorax prize pack, which includes:
Ten (10) winners will each receive an IHOP prize pack from IHOP, a partner with The Lorax where you can find menu items featuring the movie! Each prize pack includes:
Planning on joining us? Let us know here by adding your Twitter URL ( An RSVP is not required to participate or to be entered to win.
Awesome!! My 8 year old is soooo excited for this movie!!
OMG I am so excited to attend this party. I swear I am such a kid when I see new cartoon movie trailers, I get super excited to see the new movies come out. This one looks sooo freaking cute. And my 7 yr old daughter Alyssa is a HUUGE Dr Seuss fan. 🙂
Oh I love the Lorax
I can’t wait I love Doctor Seuss’.
I love Dr.Seuss stuff. My daughter will love it!
The Lorax is SUCH a great book! The Lorax speaks for the trees!
I am very excited to see the movie and to be at the party! @rkosully
Excited for the party
ok truth time.. I think I love these movies more than the kids lol. I think they are wonderfully created. The realness blows me away makes it even more enjoyable. We can’t wait to watch Lorax. thank you so much see u there!
Me, too!!!
Sounds fun! I actually have never read the lorax, so maybe I can watch the movie without having ore conceived ideas and enjoy it more and then read it. @vloky
Yay! This movie sounds so fun!
Looking forward to it!
ill be there…cant wait to see the movie
My son is dying to see this movie 🙂
This movie looks really good. We saw the trailer when we saw TIN TIN in 3D. See you at the party!
Woot ! It’s going to be a fun party !
I want to see this movie as well love the lorax @waterbluffy
I love Dr. Seuss! @cestallion
I am so excited to about this party. i sure hope the computer behaves its self so i can play thanks
can’t wait to see this movie Dr Suess can never do wrong
will be there, hope my son wont sleep early LOL!
So excited for a great party
Looking forward to it! @Lieut_Crunch
I’ve loved the original Lorax movie since I was a kid. Now my kids watch it on DVD. they’ll let it go on repeat & watch it over & over. Such a great movie w/ a great message!
i love the lorax
Just saw trailer again and loved it!!!
I will be there!!
#TheLoraxMovie See you there! 🙂 Thanks 🙂
looking forward to the movie and the party
im really looking forward to this movie… been waiting a lot of years lol
thanks for the fun
I love Dr. Seuss!
cant rsvp but gonna participate
cant wait to chat
I am looking forward to seeing this movie. It should be fun for my whole family!
I would LOVE 2 have a Lorax shirt!!!!