Special Twitter Chat Wednesday with ASHA

Please join us Wednesday, April 28th from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. EST for a special Twitter event hosted by American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (@ashahelps) and Amy Lupold Bair, @ResourcefulMom!

As iPod or MP3 use among children grows at an unprecedented rate, fueling concerns that many are using the technology unsafely, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) launched a new website (www.listentoyourbuds.org) aimed at empowering parents and protecting children from noise-induced hearing loss and other communication difficulties.

The explosion of mobile media and potential for misuse among young people, something ASHA has warned for years, has lead others to raise warning flags and call for more public education. The most recent in a series of studies by the Kaiser Family Foundation about media use among 8 to 18-year-olds found that, in the past five years, ownership of iPods and other MP3 players rose dramatically, from 18 to 76 percent. This statistic is particularly alarming given that in 2009 leading authorities predicted a rise in hearing loss nationally due to unsafe use of personal audio devices.

It’s not too late to curtail further hearing damage in younger kids just starting to use personal audio technology and similar devices. Equipped with many new technical features, a new design, and improved navigation, www.listentoyourbuds.org offers visitor’s access to the latest information about safe use of these devices, hearing loss prevention, and the negative consequences misuse and/or overuse can have on a child.

The site also allows users to participate by taking a personal ‘pledge’ to protect their hearing by following three basic principles:

Keep the volume down. A good guide is half volume. If someone else can hear the music, it’s too loud.
Limit listening time. Give your hearing ‘quiet breaks.’ Damage can occur after just four songs.
Watch for warning signs of hearing loss.

Join us for Wednesday’s event with ASHA President Tommie L. Robinson Jr. and others to learn more about protecting your child’s hearing and how to identify and seek treatment for speech and language problems!

To participate please tweet between 2:00 and 3:00 p.m. EST on 4/28 with the hashtag #ASHA and be sure to follow @ResourcefulMom and @ASHAhelps.

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