One Year Bloggiversary – Come Celebrate and Win!

It’s my one year bloggiversary, and I’m going to share my presents…


It was one year ago that I met a mom at a MOMS Club meeting named Jessica who told me about her son, her concerns about pre-school, and her website. A couple e-mails and one long phone call later and Resourceful Mommy was born.

This site developed from my own need to find personal and professional fulfillment beyond parenting, but not outside of my home. I knew immediately that I wanted to not only share a piece of myself, but also pieces of information that might help other parents. I never guessed then that one year later I would not only still be here, but also be writing for Type-A Mom and Blissfully Domestic, introducing Twitter users and readers to great new sites and businesses through my SiteWarming SM Parties, and working with clients to create fun blog campaigns for the Momfluence TM network.

July 22, 2008, I wrote my first two blog posts: One about my couch, Fernando, and one about the my Mustang, Sally. Both posts speak to what I was facing at the time – dealing with letting go of my own youth in the face of the responsibilities of parenthood.

Since then I have blogged about anything from letting go of anger, to letting go of gender stereotypes. I’ve passed on housekeeping tips and Disney travel advice and given away thousands and thousands of dollars worth of prizes. Through it all I have enjoyed sharing my life and my two growing businesses while finding a creative outlet and passing on fun opportunities to all of you. Now it is time to celebrate!

Join me Wednesday, July 22nd from 8 to 10 p.m. eastern time on Twitter as I throw a Bloggiversary SiteWarming Party! Many of us will be heading to BlogHer the next day, so what better way to kick off an exciting weekend then with a great party…with even better prizes?

It’s time to RSVP, grab the button, and get ready to party #resourcefulmommy style. Check back often for prize listings and ways to win.

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