True Confessions: Before becoming a parent, I watched far too many of those delivery day reality shows. You know the ones. The mom and dad to be joke lovingly as they casually walk into the hospital, the new mom holds a thoroughly wiped down baby in her arms, they head home seemingly refreshed and ready to start their lives together.
My deliveries were the exact opposite of everything I had ever seen on TV.
Delivery one occurred two months ahead of schedule and involved more specialists than I’d ever like to see assembled in one room ever again. Delivery two ended with my son’s heart rate crashing, the nurse running down the hall pushing my bed (those things can MOVE!), and my amazing doctor performing an emergency c-section.
And let’s talk about my fabulous husband and mother, two of the people I love most in my life and the providers of support through the arrivals of both of my children. My physician mother spent a good bit of time watching the contraction monitor to casually tell me when I was about to feel excruciating pain and my husband commented frequently on how uncomfortable delivery room chairs are. I’m fairly sure I didn’t get one single back rub…
Finally a show is arriving that delivers the real story of what happens in maternity wards across the country.
Lifetime‘s “One Born Every Minute” takes an in-depth look at life inside the maternity ward at Riverside Methodist Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, as expectant mothers enter their final stage of pregnancy. From the delivery room, to the operating room, to the front desk, to the nurses’ station, 40 cameras roll 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to capture the high drama, humor and overwhelming emotion of childbirth as new lives begin and others change forever. Please join us as we celebrate the birth of this new series with a Twitter Party!
When: Wednesday, February 2nd from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m ET
Where: #OneBorn on Twitter
How: Follow sponsor @LifetimeTV, host @ResourcefulMom and tweet with the party tag during the hour. Learn more about how to participate in Twitter Parties.
Be sure to check out “One Born Every Minute” on Lifetime Tuesday, February 1st at 10:00 p.m. ET, and let us know during the party what you think of the show. Also, check out real delivery tales from myself and the other Lifetime Moms!
Grand Prize – One (1) participant will be chosen at random to receive a $100 same as cash gift card.
First Place – Five (5) participants will be chosen at random to each receive a $25 same as cash gift card.
Planning on attending? Let us know by adding your Twitter name URL here (ex.
this will be a fun party : ) Cant wait
With each of my 3 children I have their births burned into my memory never to be forgotten. Each birth being more painful than the last. Oh and with my middle child, I remember screaming at the top of my lungs “Somebody help me please!” My husband still teases me about it to this day.
Brianne, were you at the same hospital as me when I was delivering my second child? Because there was some lady across the hall yelling that, and she scared me to death. ;0)
I hope not! I was so embarrassed after I gave birth. The hospital was full because of the date (08/08/08) and there were women in the halls waiting for rooms. I wanted to hide as they wheeled me from labor and delivery to a regular patient room!
Bless your heart! I was a mean ol’ you-know-what during my last one. We all embarrass ourselves. Goes with the territory. :0)
with the birth of triplets prematurley and then a ft baby – wow what a difference
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Amy Lupold Bair and Lynn Wiltse, That Shaker Of Salt. That Shaker Of Salt said: RT @ResourcefulMom: New Post:: One Born Every Minute Twitter Party […]
Each of my kids’ births were so different. My first had to be coaxed out and after 8 hours she was crowning before the doctor got there – the nurse wasn’t even in the room. My 2nd was a fast 57 minutes of labor and I went home later that day. My third was about 3 hours and I remember it was like a circus…the doctor had his wife bring one of his twins’ bikes that they outgrew and gave it to my oldest (she was 4) and she was riding it around the delivery room.
See ya at the party!!
Ha Amy…I didn’t get a back rub either.
This will be a great show. I can’t wait for the party!
can’t wait/ see u there
I love it. I hope there will be a couple of adoption stories in the show and on the twitter party too. I wasn’t at birth of either one of my daughters but live the stories and the show sounds good. Also I love resourcefulmom’s twitter parties.
My nephew and his g/f gave up their baby for adoption last year. My sister sat in on the delivery to help them out. It was a bitter sweet delivery with the baby being delivered to her adoptive parents after a period of saying hello and goodbye the next day. It was very heart wrenching for my sister who had an extremely difficult watching her grandbaby go. At the same time she was uplifted with joy for the new adoptive parents when the baby was passed to them.
I’ve been looking forward to this show! -I’ll be there! 🙂
hancoci_s at msn dot com
will be there!
As a mama to four kiddos I know that each pregnancy and delivery are unique. I will definitely check this show out:)
Count me in! I’m a twitter party virgin. Shhhh…don’t tell!
Can’t wait for this show! Been loving the previews!
last minute, but I’m here anyway!
rSVP’d @disneygurl
Looking forward to it.
cant wait to party love your parties your a great host and lots of knowledge @waterbluffy
[…] Update: Just found out there is a twitter party tonight for the new show. I have never participated in one before but may give it a try. If anyone is interested you can find info on it here. […]
looking forward to it! : )
cant wait !
I’ll be there! Sounds fun!
The show was great and very funny. My favorite line was ooopen
RSVP’d Can’t wait, sounds like a great time!
I watched these kind of shows like crazy when I was pregnant with my boys, will be fun to relive that at this party! RSVP’d @VectoringMomma
“One Born Every Minute” sounds very interesting, thank you Lifetime! RSVP’ing @KatM21
RSVP @PlumSage Sounds like a laboring good time
excited to learn more about this new show.
See you there!
It is going to be awesome @purplelaptop2
looking forward to the party @bobisyellow
My first child came so quickly that the doctor was totally unprepared My room was filled with him screaming for nurses to get in there and at my sister to hold up a leg. I had no pain meds and was literally LAUGHING when my daughter was born. It was pretty comedic!
i’m gonna be there since my work is closed today!
RSVP’d @UnKatchable73
Following @LifetimeTV
Of course I am following @resourcefulmom She rocks!
Liked on facebook!
Ready and waiting for a great party!
sounds like a great party
Looking forward to it.It’s been awhile since I’ve been able to come to a twitter party.
RSVP @jillyrh
Linky! @mannabsn