National Foster Care Month – Twitter Event

May is National Foster Care Month!

AdoptUsKids works to increase public awareness about the urgent need for foster and adoptive families for children in foster care. They also support States, Territories and tribes in their efforts to recruit and retain foster and adoptive families and connect them with
children in foster care. AdoptUsKids is a project of the Children’s Bureau, a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families. The AdoptUsKids website contains a wealth of information and resources on adoption and foster
care. The site also features photos and information about children in foster care.

Please join us May 27 at 2p.m. ET on Twitter using the hashtag #AdoptUsKids as we chat with former foster youth. Not only will they be sharing their experiences and answering questions, but experts from AdoptUsKids will also be available to answer your questions about foster care.

To learn more about adoption from foster care and how you can help spread the word about children in care waiting for a forever family, please visit AdoptUsKids. To search for children in your area, visit the AdoptUsKids Child Search .

Again, please join us May 27 from 2 to 3p.m. ET on Twitter. To participate, please follow @AdoptUsKids and @ResourcefulMom , and use the hashtag #AdoptUsKids. Facebook users may also wish to become a fan of AdoptUsKids on Facebook at

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