Meet the Type-A Mom Panelists

Type-A Mom is such an incredible collection of information, opinions, reviews, that it is difficult to pinpoint the most impressive piece of the Type-A puzzle. However, the site’s overall strength comes from the women who contribute and participate, who share their knowledge and themselves.

A few of the many, many women who contribute to Type-A will be tweeting with us Saturday night from 9 to 10 p.m. EST at the #typeamom party on Twitter. They are not only a wealth of information in their chosen fields of expertise, but they are also incredibly knowledgeable about freelance writing, reviewing, and surviving in the blogosphere.

Kelby Carr, @typeamom:
Kelby is a writer, SEO diva, foodie, social network maven/creator, travel junkie and former investigative newspaper reporter turned new media mom. She is the publisher of a network of parenting web sites and has been geeking it out on computers since she was 10 (and you had to use an audio tape to run software). She has also been web publishing and networking since the early 1990s (when I had to create pages from code in Notepad). Kelby is the knower of all things social media, web publishing, and writing, but her biggest strength, in my opinion, is her genuine and sincere support of other women online. Type-A Mom is just one shining example of that support.

Alyssa Gregory, @alyssagregory:
Alyssa is the author of VA Secrets Revealed! An Insider’s Guide to Being a Successful Virtual Assistant; the owner of avertua, LLC, a full-service virtual assistant firm; small business coach and blogger; and WAHM with two toddlers.

Astacia Carter, @mamikaze: Astacia is the managing editor of Type-A Mom. She is guiding the editors and writers through the wilds of Search Engine Optimization. She is a student of CSS and a lover of WordPress. Around the internet, she uses the alias Mamikaze. She is a Twitter addict and daily Facebook abuser. Astacia is a stay-at-home mom of two girls, ages 6 and 4. She has combined her home life and online infatuation into her blog, She also has a killer sense of humor, white and dry like Resourceful Mommy’s favorite wine.

Angela England, @angengland:

Angela is a busy mother of three young children, but still maintains professional certifications. She is a CAPPA trained childbirth educator and labor doula, as well as a licensed massage therapist.

Angela’s passion, however, has turned to professional freelance writing. Recent writing has been featured in Massage and Bodywork Magazine. England also does freelance work for several private companies and specializes in natural health, business and marketing, pregnancy, childbirth, parenting and gardening articles. She is available to write content for hire for your business, newsletter or other publications, both print and online.

Online writing includes both private contract and regular columns. Editing and Feature Writing positions include:

Preschool editor at Type-A Mom

Nature Photography and Managing editor at Picture My Camera

Journals and Pregnancy Site Editor at BellaOnline

Alternative Medicine Examiner at

Plants and Bulbs Feature Writer at Suite101.

See recent writing and clips, ebooks, and freelance writing tips at

Heather Solos, @heathersolos:

Heather Solos is a 30 year old professional blogger. She is the mother of three young children and a stepdaughter. Heather was a professional chef in her former life, but became a stay-at-home mom while she was pregnant with her first son.

As Mommy Blogging Editor of Type-A Mom she writes articles exploring items of interest to moms and bloggers. The topics range from privacy and ethical questions to monetization and strategy, but sometimes it’s a quick peek at the drama of the moment.

As part of her growing resume Heather co-founded two sites, Home Ec 101 and Lowcountry Bloggers, contributes weekly to Blissfully Domestic, has recently dipped into freelance blog design, and keeps a personal blog, Moncks Corner Moments. Heather wants everyone to know you do not have to be the picture of Donna Reed or June Cleaver to be a successful WAHM, but just like any neurotic writer she needs the occasional atta-girl and reminder, too.

Amy Lupold Bair, @ResourcefulMom: Amy is the Child Development Editor on Type-A Mom and also writes here as the Resourceful Mommy! When not writing for Type-A or Resourceful Mommy Amy pro-blogs at Family Eden and contributes to the Family Bliss channel of Blissfully Domestic. She is also venturing into the blogging world at New Baby and has broken into the social media marketing world with SiteWarming Parties by Resourceful Mommy. Saturday Amy will create a new version of herself when she is the party’s Hostelist with the Mostelist!

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