Coming to theaters March 2nd, Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax is an adaptation of the classic tale of a forest creature who shares the enduring power of hope. The animated adventure follows the journey of a 12-year-old as he searches for the one thing that will enable him to win the affection the girl of his dreams. To find it he must discover the story of the Lorax, the grumpy yet charming creature who fights to protect his world. (Rated PG)
Join us next Wednesday as we share tips from The Lorax on how to be more friendly to the environment. We’ll be chatting about how we can “speak for the trees” and also be awarding valuable prizes to randomly selected participants. I hope to see you at the…
When: Wednesday, February 15th from 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. ET
Where: #TheLoraxMovie on Twitter
How: To participate, use the party tag during the party hour and follow sponsor @TheLorax and host @ResourcefulMom. Learn more about how to participate in a Twitter Party.
Want to connect with The Lorax now? Learn more at the official website of The Lorax, on YouTube , and don’t forget to like The Lorax on Facebook!
Select prizing is being provided by Seventh Generation, a partner of The Lorax. Be sure to read below for information about the chance to win even more great prizes from Seventh Generation!
– Five (5) winners will each receive Seventh Generation Cleaning Kits
– Five (5) winners will each receive The Lorax eco-friendly gardening tote set with stainless steel tools and a copy of The Lorax book tucked inside
– Five (5) winners will each receive a $50 Fandango gift card and a copy of The Lorax book
Seventh Generation is running a sweepstakes on their Facebook page. Win a trip for 4 to Redwood National Park or 1 of 5 high-efficiency washer/dryer sets. Plus they’re giving away 1,000 green laundry kits! You can enter once a day, so visit often to keep your chances growing!
Planning on joining us? Let us know here by adding your Twitter URL ( An RSVP is not required to participate or to be entered to win.
Great giveaways and party!! Can’t wait for the movie! 😀 @littleislandstu
missed the first lorax party, will try again for this one! @cestallion
A party for us big kids ! Thank you Seventh Generation !
The first one was a blast. Can’t wait for this one!
looking forward to it …
open to Canadians I hope
So excited for this movie! My daughter turns 12 on March 2nd and we’re planning on going to see the Lorax for her birthday.
love this book/movie!
great giveaway! love seventh generation! movie looks adorable with a great message! 🙂
We’ve been using the Seventh Generation products for a while. They work great.
Looking forward to it! My daughter and I can’t wait to see the Lorax and we are big fans of 7th Generation and gardening at our house! 🙂
i can’t wait, i love to party with @resourcefulmom!
Loved the last party can’t wait for this one
Love Dr. Seuss!!!!!
so looking forward 2 dis w/ headache or not i will b there, love ’em 🙂
Sounds like fun!
Cant wait for this movie to come out!
Great twitter party! Love the Lorax!
Thanks for the party, sounds like a fun time. Count me in 🙂 #TheLoraxMovie
Going Green is with Seventh Generation always a good thing, especially around little ones. Nice prizes ! Good luck everyone ! The Lorax is coming out March 2nd !! Cant wait !
great giveaways. looking forward to the movie — saw a trailer this weekend. @resourcefulmom always runs a good twitter chat!
Can’t wait I love going green
I am attending tonight:)