What to Expect… Free Centrum Specialist® Prenatal Multivitamin

I remember sitting in a small creative writing class in college, chatting about our majors and course work outside of that class, when the professor turned to me and asked, “What do you want to be?”

A mom.

The words just flew out of my mouth before I had a moment to think, and I realized immediately after that the “correct” answer was that I was studying literature and secondary education and would likely teach middle school English.  But yes, I also knew that even at the age of nineteen, I longed for the day when I would be a mom.

I approached pregnancy with the same fervor, imagining in detail what my pregnancy would be like long before getting pregnant, planning the birth of my child, knowing what I thought I would like to eat.  I assumed that I would eat only healthy meals and give my child this amazing start at life, but in reality I was very ill and couldn’t keep most food down for my entire pregnancy.  Instead some days all I longed for was a bag of salty potato chips.  My brother even joked that my daughter arrived two months early because she wanted something more than cheese sandwiches and chips!  Thankfully, my daughter is now completely healthy and will try anything, even foods that I still don’t like.  It turns out that what I could expect was…the unexpected!

 What to Expect…your turn!

I have been given 100 boxes of  Centrum Specialist® Prenatal multivitamin to give away to my readers!  To enter to receive your box of Centrum Specialist® Prenatal, simply leave a comment answering this question: What did you expect about your pregnancy?  Tell us what surprised you – I was surprised at my food cravings! – or what turned out to be exactly as you anticipated.  The first 100 eligible readers to leave a comment answering this question and fill out this form:  will receive a box of Centrum Specialist® Prenatal multivitamin.


I am participating in a sponsored campaign hosted by Centrum Specialist® Prenatal multivitamins. I received compensation for this post. While all opinions stated are my own, I make no claims about Centrum Specialist® Prenatal as a product or its effectiveness.

Centrum Specialist®  Prenatal is a complete multivitamin specifically designed to support your baby’s growth and development, plus your own pregnancy health.* It provides all the health benefits from Centrum®, the #1 doctor recommended brand. 

For more information on Centrum Specialist® PreNatal, visit the Centrum® – Nutrition Possible Facebook page (Facebook.com/CentrumNutritionPossible).


  • Must be 18 or older and a legal resident of the 50 United States and DC to enter.  Not eligible: employees of  selected bloggers posting the giveaways, Ketchum, Wyeth LLC (“sponsor”), and each of their parent, affiliate or related companies (“Sweepstakes Entities”), or their immediate family or persons living in the same household.  In addition, healthcare providers are not eligible to receive a sample of Centrum Specialist® Prenatal for their personal use.
  • Enter by submitting the required information, specified by the host blogger. Use of automated or scripted programs to submit entries are prohibited.
  • Host Blogger will choose the first 100 eligible entries. All decisions are final.
  • The first 100 eligible entrants will win a sample of a one month supply of Centrum Specialist® Prenatal. Winners will be contacted via email by blogger. If a winner does not respond within 24 hours, the blogger will select another prize winner. Blogger must provide shipping information to Ketchum to ship samples to blogger.
  • Odds of winning depend on the number and timing of the entries provided.  Winners must provide contact information to ship prize.  Failure to respond to prize notification or provide required information may result in forfeiture of the prize and award.
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  • Sponsor: Wyeth LLC, 5 Giralda Farms, Madison, New Jersey, 079404
    Health care providers are ineligible.

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  • Expected: Absolutely nothing. I have never been one to try to glimpse the future too closely. Some people call it shortsightedness. I call it “impossible to disappoint”. 😉

    Unexpected: How easy it has been. I’ve heard so many horror stories, I thought I was getting myself into trouble. I’ve been blessed with some easy pregnancies.

  • I expected: morning sickness (didn’t have ANY), crazy food cravings (didn’t have ANY), stretch marks (didn’t get ANY), gaining the “recommended” amount of weight gain (I went way OVER & gained 50 lbs). NOTHING is what I anticipated! What I LOVED about pregnancy was how close my husband & I became & how involved he was in going to every appointment with me & taking classes together.

  • I exppected to be tired and sick and feel like a whale. I didn’t expect with my first pregnancy to be sick half my pregnancy, to be so puffy that i looked like the stay puft man and that the end, I’d find a whole new love in life.

  • Amanda Odair

    I was surpusied at how much my belly grow and how fast! Also how fast I felt my son kick that was normal they say!

  • Danielle Pontow

    i expected not to get sick..LOL that is all i was.. I thought I would just feel happy all the time. I was but man was i sick

  • Rise Isom

    I expected to wear my old clothes after the birth. How naive!

  • Nikki Haley

    I expected that I would have a normal, easy-going pregnancy like my last one. Boy, was I wrong! I ended up in the ER at 10 weeks, and they told me that my severe bleeding was due to placenta previa. Five days later, my perinatologist told me that they were wrong, and that I had a blood clot. I bled for 3 weeks straight. Very scary! I’m now 21 weeks, and doing much bette!

  • Erica Best

    the pain with having baby almost killed me

  • Alicia

    I Expected to gain and lose the weight the same all three pregnancies..but ohboy the third one showed i was wrong 🙂

  • I expected to be able to loose my baby weight. I failed miserably.

  • Cheryl Christian

    I expected to wear my street clothes when I walked out of the hospital. Yeah right. Had to dig out the maternity clothes I walked in with and felt pretty defeated on that one.

  • mom4everever

    I was surprised on the first how much I felt the movement…was surprised how long I was in labor on first 2 days yet they would not let me go home since I was in the country

  • Steva Spottswood

    That morning sickness was only in the morning!

  • Jules

    The back aches surprised me! Oh my pain

  • I am on pregnancy number two, my first one, I felt great the entire time, so I expected that again. This time around I am not comfortable in my own skin, I have been on and off sick with nausea, am SUPER tired, and feel more fat than I do pregnant… but it is all worth it in the end!

  • Expected to be sick, was a little. Did not expect to love the belly so much!

  • I was surprised to discover my Pregnancy was a breeze…until the last month. I felt great and avoided a lit of the horrific stuff I had read in all the pregnancy books.

  • Summer

    The lack of symptoms but I am sure they will come.

  • I was expecting nothing, and everything! I was surprised by how TENDER my boobs got

  • Livivua Chandler

    I was surprised at how sore I was after my pregnancy. I was also surprised at how easy delivery was for me. No pain during, just afterwards.

  • amy

    I was pleasantly surprised with how not bad pregnancy is for me… I was expecting the worse!

  • I was surprised at how swollen I was.

  • kristi P

    I was surprised at how i actually felt better physically pregnant. My knees stopped popping. Everyone laments on back pain, hips, etc. I felt great.

  • Janet

    I was surprised how big could get.

  • Diem

    I am surprised at how swollen my feet are! They hurt and feel so heavy!