Exergen Twitter Party

It’s officially winter and although temperatures are dropping across the country, something else is on the rise- the number of cold and flu cases as well as the sick days we’ll need to accommodate for them! While we can’t guarantee that your home will be germ-free this winter, we can provide you with some tips and information on a must-have product that should be in every Mom’s toolkit- theExergen TemporalScanner Thermometer.

Join us for a fun and informative twitter party where we’ll swap tips on staying healthy and learn all about this non-invasive, easy-to-use thermometer!

Exergen Twitter Party

Date:       Thursday, January 10th

Time:      7-8 p.m. EST

Location: #Exergen

Host:       @MomTalkRadio (Maria Bailey, Founder of MomSelect)


As moms, we’ve all struggled to try and take the temperature of a fussy baby or infant and it’s definitely not fun for baby OR mom! The Exergen TemporalScanner changes all that by allowing us to get a more accurate read on our child’s temperature, with just a gentle swipe across the forehead. Once you hear about it, it’s easy to see why the Exergen TemporalScanner Thermometer was named one of the smartest products of the decade!


We know you’ll want an Exergen TemporalScanner Thermometer for your home after learning all about its benefits. That’s why we’ll be giving you a chance to win one of five (5) Thermometers, along with a $25 Visa gift card, throughout the party!


Start the party early by entering to win our pre-party prize- an Exergen TemporalScanner Thermometer and a $25 Visa gift card!

Here’s how you can enter to win:

  • Clicking HERE to RSVP
  •  Tweeting out the details of the party between between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. on the day of the party

Be sure to follow @Exergen, @ResourcefulMom and @MomSelectAmy throughout the evening for updates, prize information and contest details.

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  • Cool! I have an Exergen scanner and love it! Or I did, anyway, until a child dropped it. Now I have trouble keeping the cover on the battery. Still works, though, and quite well. 🙂

  • Jessica s

    Can’t wait!

  • kimberly snyder

    Thank you! Great !

  • Molly Martin

    We so need one of these!

  • Annette Broxton

    This would be amazing as I have a new granddaughter coming and this new thermometer seems like it would be reassuring and easy!

  • @rkosully
    Sounds great! I will be there!

  • Juan Juarez

    Can’t wait