

CONFESSION: I very much love technology. Long before the Internet, in a time when iPads weren’t even imaginable, I was a child who loved screen time. I set an alarm to get up and watch Saturday morning television. I sat in front of my record player, then my dual tape deck with high speed dubbing…

Raising Uncommon Kids

Raising Uncommon Kids

One of the greatest gifts of being a blogger is the opportunity to live in a vibrant community of writers. One of the tough things about knowing so many writers is that when they all write books, I simply don’t have enough time to blog about each one. When blogger and radio host Sami Cone…


8 Tips for a Great Flight with Your Kids

*post by Shannan Powell, mom of 3 boys, RM Media community and project manager, and Resourceful Mommy contributor There was a time when I dreaded the idea of flying with my kids. I was a complete nervous wreck the first time we boarded a plane with them and took off for Orlando. I spent the…

8 Fun Ideas for Entertaining Kids Dur...

*post by Shannan Powell, mom of 3 boys, RM Media community and project manager, and Resourceful Mommy contributor. While it’s looking more and more like Hurricane Joaquin is turning to the east and leaving the coastal US alone, we’ve still got one eye on the weather forecast and have our storm prep checklist underway…just in…


The Golden Girls of Facebook

Sing it with me: “Thank you for being a friend…travel down the road and back again…” Last night as I was getting ready for bed, I started to think about the fact that Facebook friends tend to follow commenting patterns. There are certain people who always respond to every status in exactly the same way….

Go Back-To-School With Barnes & ...

This is a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions belong to Shannan Powell, mom of 3 boys, RM Media community and project manager, and Resourceful Mommy contributor   I have always had a love/hate relationship with back-to-school season. While I lament the early mornings and the evenings of homework and rushing to activities, there is…

National Safety Month and Fire Safety...

As you know from my fire safety assessment post, June was National Safety Month, and I chose to take that time to assess the fire safety needs in my home. I turned to Kidde’s Home Safety resource to determine if our home had enough smoke alarms and fire extinguishers. What I found was startling. I began the…

National Safety Month and Fire Safety

As a work from home mom, I try my best to keep on top of all home-related concerns. The kitchen and bathrooms are (almost) always clean, the laundry is washed if not put away, and I enjoy tweaking the decorating around the house to freshen the look and make our home comfortable for my family….

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Travel Channel’s Big Crazy Fami...

This is a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions belong to Shannan Powell, mom of 3 boys, RM Media community and project manager, and Resourceful Mommy contributor. I love traveling with my family and almost as much as I love the adventure of travel, I love the excitement of planning our trips. It becomes a…


Adhesive Reminder Tags aka I Wish I C...

In 2013 I wrote a book called Raising Digital Families For Dummies, and for a few months I spent countless hours telling reporters, radio DJ’s, and television talk show hosts that parents need to set strict digital limits for their children, creating digital family contracts that legislate everything from screen time allowances to cell phone charging…



One of my primary goals as a mom is to transfer the treasures of my own upbringing to my children while protecting them from the traumas. My childhood was a mixed bag of wonderful reckless abandon and stormy turbulence. I admired and respected my hard-working mother, yet often missed her presence. I fought without fear,…


The Joys of Being a Grown-Up

As I sit here at my computer, there is a couch slipcover in my washing machine. I noticed after performing the delicate surgery of removing it that the tag says, “Machine wash. No tumble dry.” It is currently 24 degrees outside and my neighborhood HOA has a rule against hanging laundry outside, so I really…

Five Ways to Improve IKEA

IKEA, I know we’ve had an on-again/off-again relationship. Don’t take it personally. There was that sliver of time when I couldn’t afford your European design, flat-packed goodness. The budget of the early-20’s living together in sin demographic allows for one thing: free hand-me-downs. Then we began to make some cold hard cash and suddenly a…

Sharing OTC Literacy Facts With Tweens

This post is part of a sponsored post campaign. Compensation has been provided. Last week, we shared some staggering statistics with you about the knowledge of tweens when it comes to OTC medications. This week, we wanted to share a little more information with you about the resources available from to help you improve the…

Scholastic OTC Literacy Program

This post is part of a sponsored post campaign. Compensation has been provided. Just how much do your children know about the dangers of over-the-counter medications? As parents, we do our best to educate our children about the dangers of drinking, street drugs, and even prescription medication but have you talked to your children about…


On My Knees

Three and a half years ago I wrote about the pain of parenting, opting to keep the details of the medical decision private and write instead about the emotions I was experiencing. In the end, the decision was made to move forward with a disruptive but mostly pain free treatment for our daughter’s medical issue. A year…

Jesse the Jack’s ABC Zoo

This post is part of a sponsored post campaign. Compensation has been provided. As a mom of two digital natives, I’m constantly looking for digital media that will not only entertain my kids, but that will also meet our rigorous standards for what we’ll allow our kids to view. The number of digital learning tools…


Fire Prevention Week with Kidde

With over a month of the new school year already behind us, all of our children have surely by now reviewed their school’s safety plans with their teachers. They’ve sheltered in place, they’ve prepared for a tornado, and a staple of every school, they’ve reviewed their fire safety plans. But do your kids know what…


Did You Off-Ramp or Take the Access Road

(This post was originally published 5/5/2011.) The first time I visited my husband’s home state of Texas, I was baffled by the roads running parallel to every major highway.  Imagine building two of the exact same road right next to each other, one with six lanes, one with two, one moving quickly, one not as…

The Myth of the All-or-Nothing Mom

(This post was originally published 4/19/2010) “…I try to draw the line but it ends up running down the middle of me most of the time.” – Ani DiFranco I grew up in a family that gave very little thought to how other people lived. Certainly we sat around summer picnics and shared all the…

You’re Not a Bad Parent –...

This post was originally published 9/12/2009. Last week my dad handed me an interesting article he was reading about children and self-discipline. The basis of the article was new research showing that children can be taught self-discipline (is ‘taught self-discipline’ oxymoronic to anyone but me?). While I agree that parents can work with children to…