Bloggers, you are all invited to an online Blogger Press Conference this Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. EST. Where: Twitter – please tweet with the hashtag #strollerbrigade to participate in the conversation. New to hashtagged events? Try Tweetchat for ease of use. Who: Please follow moderator @ResourcefulMom and MaryLee Allen, Director, Child Welfare & Mental Health…
Join us tonight from 9:00 to 10:00 p.m. edt on Twitter as we tweet with the hashtag #Highlights for our weekly Friday night Sitewarming! To participate, follow your hostess, @ResourcefulMom, tonight’s special guest and sponsor, @Highlights, and use the event hashtag somewhere in your tweets. New to Twitter parties? Try Tweetchat! It feels very much…
I always know when winter weather is approaching because suddenly, I cannot get my children anywhere on time. That only means one thing: It’s hat and coat season! Please join us tonight for a one hour Twitter party sponsored by, the home of great North Face gear to keep your kids warm this season….
I have hosted nearly a hundred Twitter events of one kind or another over the last year, but one of the best received by attendees was the first party I did for Monica Villa of The Online Mom. While many of my events provide very resourceful information, Monica’s ability to answer parents’ toughest questions about…
The Gal to Gal Walk is a virtual walk created by the Gal to Gal Foundation. Created by Jeanne Fitzmaurice, Carrie Dederich, and Elizabeth Salant, the Gal to Gal Foundation’s goal is to provide women diagnosed with Stage IV Breast Cancer the support they need as they battle the disease, providing resources and granting wishes.To…
Every Halloween my husband and I allow our children to choose just a few pieces of candy and the rest is “traded in” for a candy-free treat. This year that treat will include #chocolatemilk – the official drink of Halloween! Please join us Tuesday from 8 to 9 p.m. on Twitter using the hashtag #chocolatemilk…
Tonight’s #Spillproof Twitter party has been cancelled. Please join us this Friday for a wonderful party sponsored by AT&T with prizes that will make you scream TGIFS! (thank God it’s Friday Sitewarming) Tweet you all soon!
Please join us Tuesday from 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. eastern time as we SiteWarm the Huggies Online Baby Shower and throw an online baby shower for Mercedes Levy, an original Walmart Eleven Moms member, mom of two boys, and soon-to-be mom of a little girl. While we share our best baby tips and memories, we…
I’ve heard that some folks are experiencing some confusion about the #DeliciousMoments party and contest. The prizes are fantastic – $10,000 Family Vacation, anyone!? – and the conversation will be wonderful as always. I’d really love to help you participate! Q & A: 1. Do I have to upload a video on the Delicious Moments…
Please join us tonight from 8 to 9 on Twitter as we tweet one more time with the #ChildSeatSafety hashtag to spread the word to our followers about this week’s national Child Passenger Safety Week. Just today I learned that a friend believed that children who are either twenty pounds or one year of age…
The Online Mom Xbox Contest for tonight’s Twitter Party just got more interesting! Now in addition to earning entries by tweeting with #theonlinemom hashtag, you can earn bonus entries by: 1. RSVP’ing below and 2. Signing up for The Online Mom newsletter at and leaving a comment to this post that you did so.RSVP:…
Please join us this Friday, September 11th, from 9:00 to 10:00 p.m. ET as we SiteWarm with a #Lunchables SiteWarming Party, complete with great prizes! Beginning this week, the folks at Lunchables are asking parents and caregivers across the country to take a moment and place a note of encouragement in their child’s lunch….
(photo credit: Tiffany Washko)Last week I began my new job of short order lunch cook to a kindergartner. I’ve served my daughter lunch almost daily for the past five and a half years – including three days a week last year in a lunchbox for pre-school – but this year the gauntlet seems to have…
More information regarding the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Child Passenger Safety Week will be shared later this week, including how you can participate in this Saturday’s “Seat Check Saturday.” To RSVP to Wednesday’s very special Twitter event, please add your name or Twitter ID below. See you Wednesday night! Disclosure Statement: Amy Lupold Bair,…
Are you starting off this school year on the right foot? Join us this Friday from 9 to 10 p.m. eastern as we throw a SiteWarming party for Stride Rite’s new SRT line of shoes. Share your best practices for back to school, and win one of fifteen pairs of SRT shoes from Stride Rite!…
As you know, this Friday we are SiteWarming Dr. Weigh by Joanna Dolgoff, MD, as well as Dr. Dolgoff’s weekly Twitter conversation, #KidsWeigh. You know that for an hour we will be able to ask Dr. Dolgoff our toughest kids’ nutrition and exercise questions as well as share tips and concerns with fellow parents –…
It’s my one year bloggiversary, and I’m going to share my presents… It was one year ago that I met a mom at a MOMS Club meeting named Jessica who told me about her son, her concerns about pre-school, and her website. A couple e-mails and one long phone call later and Resourceful Mommy was…
Were you at the SiteWarming party Friday night when @Military_Mom won this gorgeous bike from Schwinn? Would you like to win this bike? The contest to win the final two bicycles is still going strong! And now there is a bonus entry… Once you have used the four methods of contest entry, you can earn…
Join us tonight, Friday the 12th, at 9:00 p.m. eastern as we SiteWarm a very resourceful site, Schwinn Joyride For many parents there is a disconnect between the treasured memories of their youth and what they are able to offer their children. One such memory for me is the time I spent riding my bike…
Are you ready for tonight’s #music4good party from 9 to 10 p.m. eastern on Twitter? We will be tweeting with @DianeBirch – the brilliant artist behind bible belt – as well as @steviegpro the album’s producer and CEO of the record label. And don’t forget @BarbaraJones the CEO of One2One Network whose brilliant widget campaign…
Meet Diane Birch Diane’s album, Bible Belt, debuted Tuesday, June 2nd. Her album has already rocketed to the #3 spot on the iTunes pop chart. VH-1 just added her video for “Nothing But A Miracle” While growing up all around the globe, this talented singer-songwriter was exposed to all types of music…as well as people…
Amy is the owner of Resourceful Mommy Media, LLC and the creator of the Twitter Party. Named one of the Most Influential Women in Social Media by Working Mother Magazine, Amy has spoken at social media related events around the country and the world. She’s also the author of Raising Digital Families For Dummies and Blogging For Dummies.