March is the NEA’s National Reading Month, and LeapFrog has launched the 1 Million Reading Hours to encourage all families to take the time out of their busy schedules to read together! I have taken the pledge to set aside 10 minutes a day to read with my children. In fact, I’m setting aside 10…
You know how much I love a Twitter party, so I couldn’t wait to share this great opportunity with you! To celebrate next month’s release of their book Today’s Moms: Essentials for Surviving Baby’s First Year, authors and Today Show producers Mary Ann Zoellner and Alicia Ybarbo will be hosting a live “Ask the Author”…
This Friday, March 20th is the kick-off to the biggest mom blogging event of the year! Join us this Friday at 9 p.m. EST on Twitter as I help the ladies from 5 Minutes for Mom kick off this much anticipated yearly event by co-hosting their big party! We’ll be tweeting about blogging, giving away…
As you all know by now, we’re giving away this cute little guy to the left – The Laundry Alternative, Inc. mini-countertop spin dryer as well as his big brother, Wonderwash, at a great party tomorrow night on Twitter. But did you know that we’re going to be tweeting with some wonderful Green Cleaning Experts?…
I have always been a fan of Sesame Street and spent many hours watching the original cast as a child. Now I’ve enjoyed sharing my love for Big Bird and friends with my kids. That is why I was so happy to share this new video, Elmo and Friends: Tales of Adventure, with my children!…
What ever happened to nice, durable, sensible clothing for children? Why can’t I find a t-shirt that will not only look nice on my two year old, but also survive more than a handful of washes? Is it possible to dress a little boy without there being a reference to sports, trucks, animals? Cottonseed Clothing…
My children love their LeapFrog products. From Farmer Tad fridge magnets in the kitchen to the LeapFrog Tag Reader and its accompanying books, well, everywhere in the house, we are a family who enjoys the idea that a family who plays together, learns together. I didn’t start out this way. Once upon a time I…
Some people like structure. Some just want to know what on earth is happening at these SiteWarming Parties! Whichever category you fit into, here you go, my friends. I’m breaking it down for you. What: Tonight’s party is a SiteWarming for the Beta launch of, an online community and resource for mompreneurs. The topic…
Ladies, the pot just got sweeter…. Not only can you win fabulous Goody Bag Prizes by participating in the Beta launch of the exciting new community and resource site for mompreneurs, but now you can Win a BlogHer Conference Ticket. The Refer-a-Friend contest officially launches March 2nd – all the details and fabulous prizes will…
This Friday our Twitter discussion about finding balance as well as the tools you need to live the hectic life of a Mompreneur will be led by some fabulous moms who happen to also be businesswomen, writers, marketers…..Mompreneurs. Katja Presnal, @KatjaPresnal, from Skimbaco Lifestyle: Katja is a superstar of the social media world, and someone…
Are you a Mompreneur? Do you publish weekly or even daily on a blog that you’ve created and own? Do you write freelance articles for other sites or print? Do you make a product and sell it online, all while raising a family? Would you love one comprehensive site to answer all of your business…
This contest is now closed – winners will be notified shortly! Rules: This contest will run from 8:00 a.m. EST 2/18/09 until 8:00 a.m. EST Tuesday, 2/24/09. One prize per winning entry. All winners will be chosen by random number selection. Winner will be contacted within one week of the contest close. Prior to the…
Some time ago my local DC news ran a story about a great new site called Shop It To Me. Reader, I was remiss. I did not pass on this information to you – perhaps because we wear the same size, and I didn’t want you to steal away my fabulous new shoes? The…
Type-A Mom is such an incredible collection of information, opinions, reviews, that it is difficult to pinpoint the most impressive piece of the Type-A puzzle. However, the site’s overall strength comes from the women who contribute and participate, who share their knowledge and themselves. A few of the many, many women who contribute to Type-A…
This weekend Resourceful Mommy will be SiteWarming two wonderful sites: Friday night we are welcoming a new site, MOM e o, an online resource unlike any other for Mompreneurs. Focused on the three core goals of improving work life, family life, and helping moms find a balance as well as time for themselves, Carla Young’s…
This contest is now closed and winner’s have been notified. Rules: This contest runs from 6:00 p.m. EST Monday, February 16th until 6:00 p.m. EST Saturday, February 21st. Winners will be chosen with a random number generator. Entrants may only win once per party. To enter: 1. Visit Type-A Mom and join *required* 2. Fill…
Join us tonight on Twitter at 9 p.m. EST as we celebrate the formation of the Cutest Pets Community on Family Eden, learn who has won the Toshiba Laptop, and award some great door prizes! To join us you have a variety of options, but this is the one that I recommend. 1. Login to…
My son is a complicated little guy. On one hand he tells me regularly that he’s a big boy who can use the computer by himself, ride the roller coasters at Disney, sleep with the door open….but in the next moment he’s climbing into the doll’s toy crib and falling asleep. But it is inevitable…
In this holiday season, while you’re taking the time to choose the perfect gifts for everyone on your list, be sure to take some time to pamper yourself. Why not head to a party, find time for “Me Time”, or enter to win some fabulous Goody Bag prizes – because we all know a party…
How often do you take time for yourself – truly for yourself? Once a day, once a week, once a month? Join me as we celebrate “Me Time” while having a SiteWarming Party for MeTime.Com on Friday, December 12th from 9pm to 10pm EST on Twitter! What began as a clever line of apparel with…
I attempted to come up with a clever title for this post, but thought that cleverness would just obscure the point – if you are a parent, you need to buy this book. And forget a micro-blog today – this is too important to hold back. The first time that my husband and I travelled…
Amy is the owner of Resourceful Mommy Media, LLC and the creator of the Twitter Party. Named one of the Most Influential Women in Social Media by Working Mother Magazine, Amy has spoken at social media related events around the country and the world. She’s also the author of Raising Digital Families For Dummies and Blogging For Dummies.