Do you publish weekly or even daily on a blog that you’ve created and own?
Do you write freelance articles for other sites or print?
Do you make a product and sell it online, all while raising a family?
Would you love one comprehensive site to answer all of your business questions including marketing, tax information, family/work balance?
This Friday we are SiteWarming a site that is just that – a comprehensive online resource for Mompreneurs like you!!
A panel of successful Mompreneurs will be joining us Friday to answer questions. Please submit your questions here in the comments section of this post. I’m going to get us started!
Question 1: What is the importance of becoming an LLC?
Question 2: Is there any other way to protect your brand other than incorporating?
Question 3: Do you have specific work “hours” and family “hours”?
Question 4: Your question here!