Buzzed Driving IS Drunk Driving: Twitter Event Tuesday


In college, very few of us had cars. We lived in the city, rarely went home on the weekends, and couldn’t afford a place to park off campus. However, my friend K had a car from freshman year on, and we all enjoyed not having to walk home in the cold from house parties. One night junior year she had a couple of beers and gave us a ride home. At the time I thought nothing of it – a beer or two would at best have caused a buzz – but in the morning I noticed her horrendous park job and wondered what could have happened had we not driven home slowly on empty streets? This was the first time I ever considered the dangers of Buzzed Driving.

Join us Tuesday, December 15th from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. EST for a sobering discussion about #BuzzedDriving on Twitter.

Did you know that 2,000 25 to 24 year olds were killed in alcohol-impaired car crashes in 2008 because of their decision to drive after drinking? Buzzed Driving IS Drunk Driving – Help us to spread that message this holiday season by joining our discussion, learning more, sharing your stories and asking questions of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration experts.

To participate, follow @BuzzedDriving and your hostess, me!, @ResourcefulMom and include the hashtag #BuzzedDriving in your tweets.

Want to learn more now? Visit or become a fan of the Buzzed Driving IS Drunk Driving campaign on Facebook at


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